We run all sorts of projects and groups during the week.
Every Wednesday 10 - 12noon
A group of volunteers from Churches Together in Crediton run a drop-in coffee morning. This is open to everyone and especially people with a learning disability, their carers and friends.
Refreshments are served, puzzles are made, music is danced to, pictures are coloured and fun is had by everyone!
On occasional Thursdays, 6.30pm - 7.30pm, we also have a Prospects Group at CCC. This is a time of praise, stories, prayer, craft and fellowship here at CCC for people with learning disabilities.
If you would like to be included on the invitation list, or know someone who might, please contact Caroline Smith on 01363 774176.
Every Thursday 10 - 11.30am
Coffee drop-in for the older age group, with tea and coffee, and puzzles and quizzes to do if you’d like to. If you just want to come for a chat, that is fine too. You are welcome to sit and knit, crochet or do a jigsaw and we'll watch a short 5-10 minute reflective video together. Coffee & Company receives a grant from Crediton Town Council.

Monthly on Fridays
You're welcome to join us for lunch and company throughout the year.

07740 202721
We wholeheartedly support The Crediton Food Bank which operates from our premises and which shows Jesus' love in action by providing food for people in crisis in our community.
You can donate food to the Bank anytime, either by using the labelled box in the Fishtank by the coffee bar, or at the Yellow Bookshop on the High Street. If you know of someone who may be in need of the Crediton Food Bank service, or would like to help in some way, please call 07740 202721 or email help@creditonfoodbank.org.uk
Thank you for your generosity.

0 to Year 6
We run various groups during the week. For more details, take a look at the Kids page.
Fusion - Sundays, Reception to Y6
Creche - Sundays, pre-school
Mainly Music - Monday mornings, pre-school
Fishtank - Tuesday mornings, pre-school
Friday Kids - Friday evening, Reception to Y6

Year 7 to Year 13
We run various groups during the week. For more details, take a look at the Youth page.
Core - Sundays, Y7+
Lifegroup - Sundays, Y7+
Wonder - girls' group, Thusdays after school, Y7+