Our Vision and Values
As a congregation, we believe that God has called us together into community for many reasons, but with particular purpose: we are seeking God, serving people and sharing hope. We might only manage this imperfectly (although with great enthusiasm), but these three actions sit behind everything we do as a church.
We also find that our church community holds to six values that inform and underpin the way we go about church, life and everything else. They are:
Encountering God through worship and prayer, the Bible, our world and each other.
Committing all that we are to Jesus, embracing the richness of life in him.
Welcoming everyone as companions on our journey together.
Growing in relationship with God, full of curiosity and a willingness to be changed.
Serving our community, responding to the strengths, needs and opportunities we find with practical, loving kindness.
Sharing the difference Jesus makes, through our everyday words and actions

Significant Partnerships
We love working with other people, we love partnership, we particularly love learning from those who share our values and passions - and from those who have new things to teach and show us too. We are part of the global Church of Christ, called together as brothers and sisters of Christ, no matter our background or geography. We are also part of a local community in this corner of Mid-Devon.

One way we express our connectedness with the global Church is by being
members of the Congregational Federation. The Congregational Federation isnetwork of similarly minded and structured churches who support each other and learnfrom each other. The Federation joins with other similar groups throughout the world to learn from and support each other. The Congregation Federation Ltd helps us with the practicalities of church buildings and procedures.
One way we express our place in the local community is through our involvement with Christians Together in Crediton (CTIC). This ecumenical grouping allows the church in this place to work together for the blessing of our community of Crediton